
We can transform a route you programmed into an actual route for the drone, using the file waypoints.py (right-click and choose ‘Save link as’). Download it and put it next to your main.py.

To use it, you need to import it first, add the following line at the top of your file:

from waypoints import WaypointFile

So now it should look like this:

from waypoints import WaypointFile

import turtle
import random
import math

And then you can generate a waypoints file with these lines (somewhere at the bottom of your file):

f = WaypointFile.import_route(droney.route, "waypoints.txt")

So it should look like this:


print("\n=============================\nSCORE (lower is better)")

f = WaypointFile.import_route(droney.route, "waypoints.txt")

As you can see, the only important method is import_route(route, filename).

Each time you execute it, you will get also generate a waypoints.txt file. You can use it with APM Planner.

QGC format

(not important, skip this unless you’re really bored and want to extend the functionality of ``waypoints.py`` )

We will be exporting files in the QGC format:



  • <VERSION>: just use 110
  • <INDEX>: starts at 1, count up
  • <CURRENT WP>: leave this at 0
  • <COORD FRAME>: leave this at 3
  • <COMMAND>: + 16: waypoint (also home?) + 82: spline waypoint + 20: Return To Launch (location doesn’t matter) + 21: Land + 22: Takeoff
  • <PARAM1>: ??????????????
  • <PARAM2>: acceptance radius
  • <PARAM3>: leave it at 0
  • <PARAM4>: yaw at waypoint
  • <PARAM5/X/LONGITUDE>: longitude, for example 51.1836405291789518
  • <PARAM6/Y/LATITUDE>: latitude, for example 4.41937923431396484
  • <PARAM7/Z/ALTITUDE>: height < 10m !
  • <AUTOCONTINUE>: leave it at 1